Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Libra, 3rd 1/4
Hello fellow travellers,
An old rejected beige magnet board has landed in my possession and being beige I didn't really know what to do with it other than paint it - a new lease of life! (Is beige really a colour anyway?)
Not wanting to be nauseatingly cheery but i didn't want a grumpy blackboard, so i turned its grumpy smile upside down, upside down!
Ahh Mr Squiggle memories!
Blackboards are a marvelous space for manifesting, a dear friend has used one for years to bring about her wishes and dreams into reality - I am looking forward to trying it out :)
I learnt a few things over the last couple of days that i shall share with you:
1. Whipping egg whites solely with a whisk is gosh darn hard.
2. But once you have whipped the eggs into submission you can turn the bowl upside down and nothing will fall out - I did not believe this at first and thought it a practical joke by my beloved, but in fact it is marvelously true!
Sunny Sunday was spent enjoying the company of friends and family at the local bowling club and I even won a game - remarkable! Lots of fun and a great way to be active, social and silly all at the same time! One of the disturbing things I noticed about the Bowls club was the funeral advertisements - Gees let the seniors relax and enjoy the weekend! Its like playing Jaws music at the beach!
Hello fellow travellers,
The last couple of days have been filled with an assortment of activities and learning about the world around me, and with it I have experienced the everyday as extraordinary, stopping and finding myself marvelling at little overlooked details - very good for the spirit and for adopting a sense of appreciation for life as it is.
So a lick of blackboard paint and a splash of colour later and voila!
Not wanting to be nauseatingly cheery but i didn't want a grumpy blackboard, so i turned its grumpy smile upside down, upside down!
Ahh Mr Squiggle memories!
Blackboards are a marvelous space for manifesting, a dear friend has used one for years to bring about her wishes and dreams into reality - I am looking forward to trying it out :)
I learnt a few things over the last couple of days that i shall share with you:
1. Whipping egg whites solely with a whisk is gosh darn hard.
2. But once you have whipped the eggs into submission you can turn the bowl upside down and nothing will fall out - I did not believe this at first and thought it a practical joke by my beloved, but in fact it is marvelously true!
Triumphant egg white action shots!
And while on the topic of the disturbing I will share the reasoning behind a decision I have made for the year.
At the supermarket getting the weekly groceries, not very thrilling, I noticed a purchase type card that said "Rewards for Living" This statement really bothered me - rewards for living!? If living = shopping. I thought about it and well, yeah lately that's all it seems to mean to society - we cant seem to celebrate anything without advertisements to buy, buy, buy. Our rituals and celebrations have been taken over by this incessant need and desire to shop. Ick.
Check out a site with short animations that deal with big world, environmental/social/political concepts broken down in an easy to understand way - genius!
In this little site you can click on about 5 different animations. Try 'stuff' first, it really sent home for me the realisation of the unconscious consumerist society we live in at the expense of other lives and our environments. How can this be living? How can we be rewarded for this?
It seems soooo ludicrous.
In response I have made the decision to avoid the Golden Arrow this year I have decided to avoid the need to shop where ever possible. Birthdays and celebrations will be wondrously handmade, clothes will be mended, up cycled, swapped, op-shopped and hand sewn, veggies will be grown and only the necessities I have to buy like some groceries will be bought new. I do enjoy supporting local craftspeople and artists/designers at markets etc. and so I will let them into my year as a support for local arts and crafts in opposition to the mass produced, unfairly made, cruel, mass factory derived plastic bla from the 'Shopping Centres'.
I am almost manging to avoid 'Shopping Centres' with their harsh fluoro lights and beckoning SALE SALE SALE signs except I need to find a Health Food Store not in a shopping centre... I will work on this.
Wish me luck, I feel this new approach to life will mean I actually will be
"Rewarded for Living!"
Blessed Be beautiful people
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