In the beginning

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Taurus, 2nd 1/4

Good Morning!

I would like this to be a place to share my expression of the world as I experience it.
A passion for art and creativity drives my everyday life and so too does the belief that we are all connected; not just as brother and sister in this life but kin to the Earth our Mother and all her creations.

This space will be a place for conversation on how I experience this world and to share with like minded spirits.

My main focus last year was to connect with my 'Authentic Self'; a life lived fully, present in each moment, a handmade life full of art, crafts, homemade, homegrown, spiritual development, confident expression, fully connected and in tune with the earth around me. At the time I was working full time as a specialist Art Teacher at a high school, but my heart longed for more and so I am now working as a Senior Art Instructor at an art therapy centre, it is a part time position; a deliberate decision to finally give myself the space to delve into my creativity.
I was at first quiet anxious about this move; leaving the reliable, mature, realistic, full time, constant teaching position for an artists' life that I have never actually given myself the confidence or space to truly fulfill.
So here we are! May this space be filled with my journey on the path of the handmade life, growing magikal gardens, an artistic adventure and living a sustainable, conscious life.

Blessed Be!


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