Dark Moon, New Moon, God Jar, Manifesting… and so the year begins!

Tis the New Moon tonight, I see her silvery crescent beginning to grow, she is setting early tonight and stunning me against the purple and pink sunset sky.
I celebrated the Dark moon on Sunday with a burning of the contents of my God Jar in my cauldron as the sun set.

Faerie, what is a God Jar? You ask perhaps..
I found the concept of the God Jar within the life changing book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. God is seen as Good Orderly Direction for the non-religious amongst us and the idea of the God Jar is to place things that are overwhelming and too much to deal with, burdens and fears within the God Jar for god, the great creator to deal with them for you so you don’t have to stew it all in your brain.

Writing stuff down really helps me
Burning stuff really helps me
So putting the two together is really a case of bippity boppedy boo! It just works for me :D

I place the New Moon midway between the eve of the Dark Moon and the first quarter both falling on a Sunday this week so Wednesday seems to work for me and that is the actual key - make it work for you! 
I know some folk who celebrate the New Moon at the time of the Dark Moon. I like to separate them as I feel two different types of energy at work here and in an over culture dominated with perpetual go go go, I value the Dark Moon as a time to STOP, reflect, let go and listen. It's like the blessed pause between two breaths. Lets take a moment to breathe right now

Inhale for a count of 4 …. Then pause
Then exhale for a count of 4 …. then pause

Ah the simple wonder of our breathing – I love it!

The Dark Moon holds the energy of taking the time to stop and breathe and come back together before a new cycle begins .. tonight!

So the first New Moon of 2016 
Hello my sister, my friend la luna. I would like to plant some dreaming seeds this blessed night.
Some seeds to help my creativity grow this coming year.
Some seeds of intention and love to bloom in my heart garden for the Handmade Wonderland community to enjoy.

Dream – 1
Publish my Colour-In Book

Dream -2
Finish the Faerie Oracle

Dream - 3
Create a Handmade Wonderland Exhibition of my original paintings and enchanted forest faeries and creations

Dream -4
Continue to combine my magikal spiritual path with my Art for your Heart workshops and truly share my heArt with the community.

So I am just going to put it all out there because I also have sparkly inklings towards Yoga Teacher Training… eep and while I’m at it I also want to travel and hold heArt workshops and I’d love to train in Vienna at the Visionary Art Academy and in Sweden to learn more about Vedic Art … squee!

I Am Enough, 2015, acrylic on recycled canvas

 And I am declaring that I Am Enough and cleansing myself of any old beliefs that think otherwise

What are your dreams for 2016 my lovelies?


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