Book Love - February and March

Ola Book worms, i forgot to post my February AND March book loves so here it is now... i do have a few expletives so if you have sensitive eyeballs please be warned :o

February found me first up finishing the Liveship Traders Trilogy with Ship of Destiny by Robin Hobb
If you like sweeping well written fantasy novels with wondrous scenery, varied in-depth characters, courageous females and large doses of magik and wonder then these are for you although I recommend reading the equally awesome Farseer Trilogy first so no spoilers are given away :D

The 4 agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Make No Assumptions
Take Nothing Personal
Be impeccable with your word
Always do your best
Pop that on the back of the toilet door
I co-read this with my beautiful Ray of Sunshine, well more like he read it to me, I actually read it a few years ago but it was a good wee one to revisit.

Daughter of the Forest – Juliet Marillier.
It may just be because I am working through some old demons, skeletons and bullshit that I found the rape scene so particularly disturbing, let alone the dog dying, oh yeah.. spoiler alert. But I actually think all books that include a rape scene graphic or not need a warning on the cover because I am trying to process my own shadows around sexual abuse and disempowerment and jeepers that just made me cry…  like a baby and freaked me out and then the dog oh man, I am so sick of this entertainment industry that glorifies rape – just fucking stop it. Maybe its not even glorified but there certainly is a lot of it in movies and tv and books – is it because it is still such a shocking violent thing that actually occurs and we are so numb to the rest of the violence of the ‘entertainment’ industry? Oh my, why is this entertaining? Why why why? Maybe its effecting me because its time to shine a flood light on the dark creepy places within …. fuuuuuaaarrrkkk.

Then contrary to the rape scene the consensual loving sex scene in the book was just glossed over so quick, fine, but why all the rapey detail – please spare me, yes it adds to the story, yes the main characters resulting psychological damage was explained and a part of the future tale and the horrible aftereffects of what sexual abuse does to a person were explored and this is all good stuff but really I just need some advance warning I guess – gah. Other than that there were fairies and swans and druids and herbalism and yay but hmmm

Wicca - Scott Cunningham
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is wanting to know more about Wicca. Mr Cunningham is like a kind hippy Uncle guiding the way, offering suggestions and encouraging you to try things for yourself and not get too stuck or bogged down in doing things the 'right' or 'only' way - yay for him. I like all his books actually. I read this about 10 years ago when i first started up with my Circle peeps and so rereading it again after all this time was really enjoyable, i didn't expect that, i thought i would be bored but in fact i really enjoyed it.

Gardens of the Soul - Faith Nolton
Gosh this one is now a favourite! I borrowed it from a friend so i would like very much to get my own copy. I loved Faith's spirituality intertwining so fluidly and with great strength and grace with her art making - a big yes for anyone wanting to delve more into creative pursuits.

The Pillars of the World - Anne Bishop
A new fantasy trilogy has begun and i really like it, lots of faeries, witches, magikal creatures and strong female lead characters. A great way to end the day with a cup of tea and a good book, which is what in fact i am off to do now...

What have you been reading? Got any suggestions for me? I'd love some 
Brightest blessings book worms xxx


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