Walking in This World

The first week of the new year has already flown by and i feel like i might already be running to catch up with myself - oh bother!

A few years ago i completed The Artist's Way 12 week course by Julia Cameron and it really changed my life - crazy! 

It was one of the biggest contributing factors to me being able to value and recognise myself as an artist, to value my personal arts practise and make the leap into teaching part-time so i would have time to pursue my personal creative practise. It was hard work but it was wonderful work and i would do it all over again... so I am!

This time around i am working through another of Julia Cameron's books 'Walking in this World'.

Each week i read the coinciding chapter, follow the exercises and commit to the following

          * Daily Morning Pages - 3 A4 pages of mind dribble everyday.
          * Artist Dates - One hour a week dedicated to me and my inner artist.
          * Weekly Walks - At least one 20 minute walk a week.

These will all take time in my busyness but they will also give time!

Week One: A Sense of Origin.
I begin where i am, with who i am, at this time and place right now. 
When we meet our creativity we meet ourselves

When we engage our creativity we engage the great creator. 
What we call 'god' does not matter, but that we call on 'it' does. 
Creativity is a spiritual endeavour concerning the soul. Open yourself to inspiration and divine guidance in the form of our own listening creativity.

Making art is making love with life

We are the block we perceive

Creativity is Inspiration and Initiation

Ah so true and beautiful, I am one week in and the morning pages are amazing for sweeping out the cobwebs, organising thoughts, affirming action and getting the day rolling! The readings are inspiring and the activities are great - 'Do Nothing' It is harder than it seems!

I am yet to do my artist date and walk which was a shame to miss them - it highlights my avoidance really of getting out of my square! And that is a good one for me to face straight up! I am really wanting to get out of my square, to push my comfort zone and get the most our of this course so for every date or walk i miss i am making a pact with myself to make it up the following week, no avoiding and pretending 'it' isn't there any more :) SHAZAM!!! 

Let's see how i go!
Wish me luck!

Brightest blessings xxx


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