Sun in Libra, Moon in Capricorn, Waxing Moon.
Hello Spring Time! It is definitely upon us here in the land of Oz. The sun is shining, the birds are nesting, the bees are buzzing, i have flowers delighting my heart all over the garden and there is a lot of energy stirring about!
September has been pretty full on, each day i have been crafting up a storm in the studio making art for Handmade Wonderland market stalls and commissioned pieces. I held a market stall on Sunday at the Combined Covens Spring Fete, it was a rainy day so my dreams of a pretty decorated marquee were instead nestled in the shelter of the hall and despite the rain i had a wonderful day sharing the art love with everyone! The energy felt good and the feedback i received was the best ever, what a wonderful day!

With no rest for the wicked, it's now time to get cracking and create more wonders for the next markets at the Groat Street Festival coming up at the end of October. There is a website you can visit here and a Facebook Event page with regular updates of what's going to be happening at the festival here.
Last Monday the 22nd I started an Instagram #100amazibledays thing to mark the last 100 days of 2014! The year has super flown by, oh my goodness! i can't believe its nearly the end and rather than groan about the time flying by and the jinglebells craze beginning already i instead wanted to focus on the wonder, magik and amazibleness and to acknowledge the preciousness of each and everyday. Its about gratitude really and appreciation for the little things. Yesterday I posted this pic for day 93 - I found a dolls house on the side of the road - what a score!!
I was soo happy, my inner child was 'squee-ing' so loud :D
I post to Insta everyday, i love it, it inspires me so much with all the beautiful imagery and artists i am following, it is an endless source of inspiration - look me up @faerie_sarah for daily Handmade Wonderland updates.
Anyway speaking of dolls houses...
I have always wanted a dolls house, i loved playing with the dolls house that the girls next door had, complete with real tiny books. I have a thing for the little! I love it so much. I think i inherited it from my dad who has been tinkering with miniature model railways since i was a kid, i always loved visiting the model railway convention with him, my favourites were the pretty sceneries, i felt like a giant peering into these tiny worlds and i remember a dream of entering my own creation into the exhibition of a brightly coloured, glitter filled, fantasy scene that all the old men from the exhibition in my dream poo-poohed because of its lack of realism - bah!
For my birthday a couple of years ago a lovely friend bought me a miniature room to make.

All the pieces came in a plastic bag with minimal identifying features and all the instructions were in Chinese which alas i am not fluent in! It made for some fun crafty evenings in a zone similar to an Ikea construction nightmare.
It had pieces missing and twee decor but i loved it and it got me inspired to make my own miniatures, miniatures that would make my heart sing, miniatures filled with magik and faeries like my model railway dream!
So on Mondays to kill Mondayitis I spend the mornings making little things for no other reason than the sheer joy it brings me :)
I was inspired by the faerie doors in Ann Arbor, Michigan which you can find more about here
So i began making my own faerie doors, they are still a work in progress, i am currently fiddling around with tiny hinges and doorframes!
Serendipitously not long after beginning to make the faerie miniatures a sign popped up in my neighbourhood for a church book sale and there i found a pile of hard covered books perfect for making my own magikal faerie library!
There hiding in the bookshelf, you can see the beginnings of the Magikal Faerie Library!
Its just a rough shell so far but the sketching, dreaming and playing with ideas has been a real treat! Not to mention the miniature artists i have found and fallen in love with on the way
Check out the amazing world of Halfland and this tiny library here - sooo inspiring!
And the talented Caroline McFarlane Watts here who makes the most magikal miniatures!
I am learning a lot, have a heart full of inspiration and cant wait to reveal more Magikal Faerie Library as it unfolds. It probably wont be finished till i'm 100 but you know what i'm having so much fun i don't care!
I have been asking my friends what their magikal library would include, i would love to know about yours too!
Brightest Blessings
Hello Spring Time! It is definitely upon us here in the land of Oz. The sun is shining, the birds are nesting, the bees are buzzing, i have flowers delighting my heart all over the garden and there is a lot of energy stirring about!
September has been pretty full on, each day i have been crafting up a storm in the studio making art for Handmade Wonderland market stalls and commissioned pieces. I held a market stall on Sunday at the Combined Covens Spring Fete, it was a rainy day so my dreams of a pretty decorated marquee were instead nestled in the shelter of the hall and despite the rain i had a wonderful day sharing the art love with everyone! The energy felt good and the feedback i received was the best ever, what a wonderful day!

With no rest for the wicked, it's now time to get cracking and create more wonders for the next markets at the Groat Street Festival coming up at the end of October. There is a website you can visit here and a Facebook Event page with regular updates of what's going to be happening at the festival here.
Last Monday the 22nd I started an Instagram #100amazibledays thing to mark the last 100 days of 2014! The year has super flown by, oh my goodness! i can't believe its nearly the end and rather than groan about the time flying by and the jinglebells craze beginning already i instead wanted to focus on the wonder, magik and amazibleness and to acknowledge the preciousness of each and everyday. Its about gratitude really and appreciation for the little things. Yesterday I posted this pic for day 93 - I found a dolls house on the side of the road - what a score!!
I was soo happy, my inner child was 'squee-ing' so loud :D
I post to Insta everyday, i love it, it inspires me so much with all the beautiful imagery and artists i am following, it is an endless source of inspiration - look me up @faerie_sarah for daily Handmade Wonderland updates.
Anyway speaking of dolls houses...
I have always wanted a dolls house, i loved playing with the dolls house that the girls next door had, complete with real tiny books. I have a thing for the little! I love it so much. I think i inherited it from my dad who has been tinkering with miniature model railways since i was a kid, i always loved visiting the model railway convention with him, my favourites were the pretty sceneries, i felt like a giant peering into these tiny worlds and i remember a dream of entering my own creation into the exhibition of a brightly coloured, glitter filled, fantasy scene that all the old men from the exhibition in my dream poo-poohed because of its lack of realism - bah!
For my birthday a couple of years ago a lovely friend bought me a miniature room to make.
All the pieces came in a plastic bag with minimal identifying features and all the instructions were in Chinese which alas i am not fluent in! It made for some fun crafty evenings in a zone similar to an Ikea construction nightmare.
It had pieces missing and twee decor but i loved it and it got me inspired to make my own miniatures, miniatures that would make my heart sing, miniatures filled with magik and faeries like my model railway dream!
So on Mondays to kill Mondayitis I spend the mornings making little things for no other reason than the sheer joy it brings me :)
I was inspired by the faerie doors in Ann Arbor, Michigan which you can find more about here
So i began making my own faerie doors, they are still a work in progress, i am currently fiddling around with tiny hinges and doorframes!
Serendipitously not long after beginning to make the faerie miniatures a sign popped up in my neighbourhood for a church book sale and there i found a pile of hard covered books perfect for making my own magikal faerie library!
Its just a rough shell so far but the sketching, dreaming and playing with ideas has been a real treat! Not to mention the miniature artists i have found and fallen in love with on the way
Check out the amazing world of Halfland and this tiny library here - sooo inspiring!
I am learning a lot, have a heart full of inspiration and cant wait to reveal more Magikal Faerie Library as it unfolds. It probably wont be finished till i'm 100 but you know what i'm having so much fun i don't care!
I have been asking my friends what their magikal library would include, i would love to know about yours too!
Brightest Blessings
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