Autumn Equinox

Sun in Aries, Moon in Aquarius

It was the Autumn Equinox last weekend and it had me reflecting on what the energy means for me and how i would like to acknowledge and work with it.

The traditional meaning and symbolism of Mabon from a Wiccan context is that of the second harvest. A time of harvesting the fruits and a time of thanksgivings for all we have harvested and giving back to those in need. It is also astronomically the marking of the time of equal day and night.

When i think of Mabon i think of beautiful rich autumn leaves of reds and oranges, pumpkins and cooler days, and lush cornucopias, it is a Northern Hemispheric climate i think of, a scene far away from my urban Southern Hemisphere reality. 

In my personal eclectic, faery, witchy stew i hardly use the term Mabon, with my visions of the idyllic northern climate. It is instead for me The Equinox and there is nothing for me to harvest physically in my garden after the harsh death of the summer sun so it's an energetic harvest and it is all about the equal day and night, it is about balance, equality of space and time. Going into the longer nights - the subconscious, shadow, magik space. It's clearing, it's blessing, it puts me back into my heart alignment - this is the place of balance. 

I have been contemplating "What do i need to do to come into alignment". 
The up and down, shadow and light, sleep awake, inside - outside, health balance, doing and being, alone and with others, magik and mundane, working and playing, the head and the heart, left and right, the masculine and feminine, the alone and together, the day and night, the give and take, all in balance and finding my own equilibrium.

'What can i do in the spirit of encouraging balance' i thought - yoga balancing postures! A diary of everything was made for couple of days of work, sleep, food, tv, computer, games, garden, exercise and look at balance.

I have found i need to go outside more, i spend a lot of time inside SO yoga is practised outside, morning writing is spent outside, meditation is spent outside and the cooling days are inciting my back into the garden to continue growing things. I need to finish things, i have a lot of inspiring ideas for my art and a lot of projects i have begun and it is now time for some resolution, some completion. Head and heart balance - listening to the heart opens us to our intuition, to the gentle loving guidance within. SO different from the judgemental, often fear based and critical space of the mind.

All the 'i should...' or 'i have to' or 'i need too' and the feelings of anxiety, struggle, overwhelm and lack need to be let go of, i surrender them. 

I instead turn my attention, my focus, my vision to the place of love within that resides within my heart, the place of peace and acceptance and intuition. The space of gentleness and healing and balance. I cannot be anything but balanced when i  am tuned in to my heart. I trust my heart.

So a ritual was put together that began with an energetic clearing using handmade blessed smudging tools and the use of the beautiful Equanimity a beautiful blended essential oil spray by Tinderbox. 
Once the circle was cast yoga balance postures were enjoyed to actually feel balance in action and call the balance we needed into our life.
Some questions were then contemplated about what we are working on, what have we harvested in our life, to celebrate and what do we want to give more energy more to bring about into our life.

My heart sings for paint and art making and creativity, for play, for moonlight, for water, for trees, for poetry, for spell crafting, for yoga, for skipping and twirling and laughing and faerie play. 

Inspired by the Equinox - Work In Progress
What is your heart calling for?

Brightest Blessings xxx

By the way....This post is a part of the Pagan Blog Project. A site dedicated to some of the blogs of the online Pagan community. 


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